There are many characteristics to consider as you plan to have a fiberglass swimming pool installed or make additions/upgrades to your existing pool. Size, shape, and color are three of the key decisions that tend to be at the top of every new pool owner’s list. An important attribute that doesn’t get quite as much consideration in many cases is depth. But, it should be a factor in your decision as well.

How Low Can You Go?

Consider this: If you are 6’ tall and swimming in a “cocktail pool” like the Milan from Viking Pools with a uniform 4’ depth, the water level will be stomach/chest level while standing.

If you are a smaller person, who is between 5′-3″and 5’-5” tall, you get closer to that neck-level wading in the cocktail pool. Furthermore, small children or pets would realize water levels above their head in the 4′ deep cocktail pool.

On the other hand, a pool like the Viking Olympia or Blue Hawaiian Regatta has an incline that provides depths ranging from 3’-6” to 6’-6”. For some pool owners, that variety in depth is desirable. It allows adults to enjoy deeper water while letting children and seniors ease into a depth that they’re comfortable with. But at 16’x35’, it’s a much bigger pool than the 10’x16’ Milan, and perhaps too much pool for some people.

And, of course, these are just two of what are many, many fiberglass pool models to choose from. If you are wanting to make sure you can dive in the deep end of the pool, you will want to go with one of the deepest options we have – around 8′. Thankfully with all of these great options, families can surely find a pool that meets everyone’s needs!

Options For Even Greater Depth Adjustment

Beyond the different depths included in the model you choose, there are other ways to ensure you can use your pool exactly the way you want to. For example, tanning ledges are perfect for people who want to enjoy just a few inches of water around their lounge chair. Custom benches can provide the ideal depth for someone who wants to have a seat while they cool off. And uniquely designed stairs can provide a sliding scale of depth while also adding extra flare to your pool!

Don’t Settle for Anything Less Than Perfection

With so many options available, you never have to settle for a pool that isn’t a perfect fit for you and your family. Simply contact your Latham dealer to talk about your specific needs and the pool and options that will best meet them.

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Written by Mike Fox

Mike has been in the Pool Industry and with Latham Pool Products for over 11 years. Prior to coming to Latham, his professional career was with Anderson and General Electric (GE) in Finance and Strategy. Mike has two sons, has coached many years of baseball, but now enjoys watching them with a nice IPA.